No Services 100 Miles
Just before you reach Arizona on the I-10 East, you'll find the cradle of the Palo Verde Valley.
“Will there be life in Blythe?,” the headlines say. Literally.
A newly abandoned trailer vanishes, charred remnants of god knows what swirl gently in the hot desert breeze, empty buildings lose their windows.
The desert erases our futile marks on it. But I won’t let this town die alone.
We’ve been out here for 30+ years; some of my earliest and most cherished memories were made here. My friends and neighbors are slowly moving on to other cities or the next realm.
When the last postcard falls apart and everything we remember being there is gone, only the sun bleached quiet will be left. And it will be beautiful.
These images have been taken over the past 10+ years. Film and digital snippets of the odd things that exist, even just for a moment.